The Muscogee Nation

The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Completes the Eufaula Walking Trail


August, 29, 2016

The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Completes the Eufaula Walking Trail

Eufaula, Okla. – The Muscogee Creek Nation (MCN) Diabetes Program and the Muscogee Creek Nation Transportation Department are pleased to announce the completion of the Eufaula Walking Trail.

In 2006, the Muscogee Creek Nation Diabetes Program developed and implemented the Nene Hvkoce tribal walking program. It was funded solely by the Tribe. The purpose of the walking program is to improve health and reduce the risk of disease by providing opportunities and encouragement for American Indians living in Muscogee (Creek) Nation to walk regularly over a long period of time, and to increase community support of healthy lifestyles.

A competition among communities for a half mile walking track was incorporated into the program to help promote community support for health. The MCN Diabetes Program partnered with the MCN Transportation Department to award the communities with highest average participation with a half mile walking track to be placed in their community.

In 2009-2010, the Eufaula walking program community won the contest with 80 participants reaching the program’s Level of Achievement.  The group, with cooperation from the city of Eufaula, chose to place their trail along Lakeshore Drive, beginning at the pavilion near the intersection of McKinley Avenue and winding along the cove of Lake Eufaula to the end of the trail near the soccer fields at the intersection of Elm Avenue.

The MCN Transportation Department began designing the Eufaula Walking Trail in November 2013.  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized construction of the trail in September 2015.  The MCN Transportation Department awarded the contract for construction of the Eufaula Walking Trail to B & S Construction and Trucking Company.  Work began on July 5, 2016, and was completed on August 19, 2016.

Today participants and all members of the community are able to enjoy the trail. This trail will afford citizens the ability to safely engage in healthy activities in a safe environment with a designated path.

CONTACT: Geebon Gouge (918)732-7617