The Muscogee Nation

Tag: Murphy Case

  • MCN Attorney General’s Office releases statement regarding 10th Circuit Court ruling in Murphy case


    Nov. 9, 2017

    CONTACT Neely Tsoodle
    PR Manager
    P.O. Box 580
    Okmulgee, OK 74447
    (918) 758-6599


    MCN Attorney General’s Office releases statement regarding 10th Circuit Court ruling in Murphy case

    Muscogee (Creek) citizen Patrick Murphy’s death sentence was overturned Aug. 8 in a federal court of appeals based on an argument of tribal jurisdiction. The Oklahoma Attorney General sought a rehearing , but the U. S. Tenth Circuit has made the decision not to rehear the case.

    The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Attorney General’s Office released the following statement Nov. 9 regarding the court’s decision.
    “The Muscogee (Creek) Nation is pleased with the Tenth Circuit’s decision to not rehear the Murphy case.  The opinion of the Court thoroughly analyzed the historical record and faithfully applied the relevant law and it should continue to be upheld and the Nation remains committed to seeing that it is.”