The Muscogee Nation

Statement of Principal Chief David Hill Regarding Oral Arguments in Stroble v. Oklahoma Tax Commission


Statement of Principal Chief David Hill Regarding Oral Arguments in Stroble v. Oklahoma Tax Commission

“Laws related to taxation of income earned by Tribal citizens who both reside and earn that income on a reservation have been settled for decades, but the State of Oklahoma has chosen to ignore those laws. It should concern every resident of Oklahoma that the state feels like it can pick and choose when to follow the law. Today, it’s Alicia Stroble, tomorrow it will be someone else if the state is not held accountable.

The State is not above the law, and it is our hope that this case will ensure the Oklahoma Tax Commission recognizes that.”

– Muscogee (Creek) Nation Principal Chief David W. Hill


Overview of Stroble v. Oklahoma Tax Commission:

Stroble v. Oklahoma Tax Commission, involves an ongoing legal dispute between the plaintiff, Alicia Stroble, a Muscogee (Creek) citizen, and the Oklahoma Tax Commission regarding the issue of state income tax exemption for Tribal citizens residing and working within their Indian Country.

Muscogee (Creek) Nation has filed a joint amicus brief with Seminole Nation in support of Stroble, which can be found here. Additionally, MCN was granted permission by the Oklahoma Supreme Court to participate in today’s oral arguments, represented by Riyaz Kanji.

The Muscogee (Creek) Nation contends that the tax commissions’ claim of authority to tax Tribal citizens residing and working in Indian Country, undermines tribal sovereignty and is contrary to decades of established law.

The dispute raises broader questions regarding the interpretation of tribal sovereignty, federal law, and the tax obligations of Tribal citizens within Indian Country. All of which hold great significance in relation to Indian Country’s autonomy.

