The Muscogee Nation

Muscogee (Creek) Nation Reintegration Program celebrates opening of welding school

June 26, 2019

Media Contact:
Liz Gray
O: (918) 549-2453

Muscogee (Creek) Nation Reintegration Program celebrates opening of welding school

HENRYETTA, Oklahoma – The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Reintegration Program held a ribbon cutting for their career services center on June 26 in Henryetta, Oklahoma.

RiP Manager Tony Fish said the MCN RiP Career Services Welding School is a concept five years in the making with the event signifying the growth and accomplishments of the program and its students.

The welding program is an 8-week course in partnership with MCN RiP, MCN Workforce, MCN Employment and Training and the Oklahoma Department of Career Technology Education with collaboration with MCN Vocational Rehabilitation.

A total of 11 students are currently enrolled in the program’s first class with expected graduation in mid-July. The program requires a minimum enrollment of 10 students and a maximum of 15 students.

The welding program offers technical education in SMAW and MIG welding, which would prepare students for most applications of welding in various industries.

“The way we are set up we actually have employers waiting in line to hire people,” Fish said.

Through career fairs, participants are able to go through the process of application, interview and drug testing for jobs in one setting.

MCN RiP assists citizens participating in the program through their department with the cost of tuition. Any Muscogee (Creek) citizen can participate in the welding school program with out-of-pocket payments or assistance through other programs such as MCN Employment and Training and MCN Vocational Rehabilitation.

For more information about the welding program, citizens may contact:

MCN Reintegration – (918) 652-2676

MCN Employment and Training – (918) 732-7773

MCN Vocational Rehabilitation – (918) 623-1197
