The Muscogee Nation

Category: Report

  • FY20 2nd Quarter Report

  • A Word From Chief & Second Chief: Feb. 7

    February 7, 2020

    Second Chief Del Beaver
    Principal Chief David W. Hill

    Dear Muscogee (Creek) Nation citizens & employees,

    We want to take this opportunity to provide updates on our progress in the Executive Office. Our schedule has been full with events and activities over the last two weeks. There were many meetings that addressed areas of need and interest for our Nation and citizens.

    We met with Tulsa Public Schools Superintendent Deborah Gist and her staff on the Indian education program. We will continue to monitor, collaborate and consult on ways to assist and improve our Native American student’s opportunities to succeed and provide support to our Native educators.

    The MCN Investment Committee met with five financial institutions to review the Nation’s portfolio, review financial reports, assess investment performance and develop an investment statement standard. Each institution presented information on performance and investment opportunities for the Nation.

    A meeting was held with Cultural Preservation, Cultural Archives and the Mvskoke Language Programs to discuss future goals and projected growth. Plans are being developed to blend initiatives and projects to address our language and cultural interests in the most collaborative, effective and efficient way.

    We met with the Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce on interests related to the Tulsa Future’s Regional Economic Development Partnership. We also attended the Tribal Leaders meeting in Tulsa to discuss issues that affect the Oklahoma tribes and participated in the Five Tribes Leaders conference call. It is in the best interest of our respective Nations to stand together in a united effort to protect our sovereignty and respective business interests. We also attended Governor Stitt’s State of the State address in Oklahoma City.

    Internal program meetings were held to address the veteran’s cemetery, MCN Master Plan, summer football camps, MCN Festival entertainment and Information Technology. We met with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) on future projects and Congressman Markwayne Mullin’s office to discuss our needs and interests and engage support from his office.

    We will be attending the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) Executive Council Winter Session and the National Johnson O’Malley Association (NJOMA) Conference in Washington, DC next week. The Muscogee (Creek) Nation is the largest sponsor of the NJOMA and led the effort to pass the JOM Modernization Act. On December 31, 2018, President Donald Trump signed S. 943, the Johnson-O’Malley Supplemental Indian Education Program Modernization Act into Public Law No: 115-404.  While in Washington, I will also be providing testimony for the House Committee on Appropriations- Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies for American Indian and Alaska Natives.


    David W. Hill, Principal Chief

    Del Beaver, Second Chief

  • A Word from Chief & Second Chief: Jan. 28

    January 28, 2020

    Second Chief Del Beaver
    Principal Chief David W. Hill

    Dear Muscogee (Creek) citizens and employees,

    We want to continue providing periodic updates on our activities and progress during the transition and report activities of the Executive Office. MVTO to Speaker Hicks and the National Council for the time and positive response to the State of the Nation address on Saturday. It’s this kind of mutual respect and support that will provide positive collaboration to better serve our Nation and citizens as we move forward in 2020.

    There were several meetings this week that addressed areas of need for our Nation and citizens. We met with the Oklahoma Policy Institute to review and discuss issues affecting our programs and services. The OPI is an independent public policy research organization focused on advancing equitable and fiscally responsible policies for all Oklahomans through research, analysis, and advocacy. Many of the issues on the forefront affect the lives of our tribal citizens in areas of health, education, economic opportunity and justice reform.

    We met with Indian educators and citizens on issues regarding Tulsa Public Schools and will continue to monitor the situation and discuss ways to support our Native American students and educators attending and employed with TPS.

    A meeting was also held with Admiral Watts of the Indian Health Service (IHS) to discuss the Nation’s needs, concerns, and future partnerships.

    A review of the Emergency Services and Risk Management programs was conducted to analyze needs and modify policies and procedures to ensure the safety of our employees, citizens and property is the best it can be.

    A second meeting was held with the Mvskoke Language program to continue efforts on language revitalization and program development. Processes are being developed to receives ideas and recommendations from employees and citizens on the most effective way to address our language needs.

    The evaluation and comprehensive analysis of departments and programs with Cabinet Secretaries was completed. We appreciate the support and assistance from the acting cabinet members and their staff. There are many positive activities in the Nation and we look forward to improving and expanding services to our clients and citizens. This was an extensive endeavor, however the information received during the evaluations will be vital in developing a framework for programs that provide opportunity and enhance the quality of life for all Muscogee citizens.

    We attended the Okfuskee Indian Community meeting and dinner last week. The community members presented both of us with beautiful handmade quilts. We are grateful of their hospitality and the support for the citizens they represent and serve. It is a pleasure to visit all of our communities and hear first-hand the needs and concerns of our citizens.


  • 2020 State of the Nation Address

    State of the Nation Address
    January 25, 2020

    Muscogee (Creek) Nation Principal Chief David W. Hill:

    Hesci, Good morning.

    Second Chief, Mr. Speaker, National Council, Citizens and Employees,

    I appreciate the time I have been given this morning. It is an honor to stand before you and deliver the State of the Nation Address of the great Muscogee (Creek) Nation.

    Today, I am proud to report that the Muscogee (Creek) Nation has never been stronger. We have experienced tremendous growth, stability and opportunity. I can proudly say the success of our businesses, the commitment and determination of our leaders, citizens and employees have created opportunities for all to thrive and prosper. As Muscogee (Creek) people, we have a unique strength that will ensure prosperity and security for generations to come.

    I want to share some highlights with you. During the 1st quarter of 2020, the Nation had 2,064 employees with a 1st quarter payroll cost of over $24 million. The permanent fund has grown to over $430 million, an increase of over $29 million from the last quarter.

    That shows great financial stability which brings us to the Department of Health. The Muscogee (Creek) Nation continues to fulfill its goal of providing quality services that promote health and wellness. Third party collections were over $17 million and this year, third party revenue is projected to exceed funds received from the Indian Health Service.

    The department welcomed three new doctors and two new dentists in November and continues to expand programs and services to meet an ever growing demand. Healthy citizens are one of the most valuable assets our nation can have, but when our citizens need care, we want to provide the best care available.

    Health care is important, but so is education. Education is a high priority for this administration
    And we recognize that education empowers all citizens to pursue a better quality of life,
    stronger earning power, self-sufficiency, individual empowerment, and a brighter future for our children and generations to come.

    The department continues to grow and expand services. Programs such as the state/tribal education partnership, the native community youth project the tribal education department grant, trauma informed instruction, and Native EDGE provide federal program assistance, professional development and college and career readiness for students.

    The department has been recognized by state superintendent Joy Hofmeister, who stated, “the Muscogee (Creek) Nation has been a leader in investing in teacher professional development around working with children that have had hardship, abuse and neglect in Oklahoma classrooms. All of us working together I know can solve this and we can see kids break the cycle of trauma.”

    We’ve also committed additional funding to Higher Education and Employment and Training and now provide approximately $15 million to citizens for college and career education and training.

    The Department of Education & Training will continue to evaluate services and focus our efforts to provide quality education and training programs for our citizens and strive to create a skilled workforce to compete in today’s global market.

    Our most important job is taking care of our people. The department expended more than $3 million in direct client services to assist 57,337 citizens and celebrated the holidays with gift exchanges in addition to providing over 1,000 turkeys and hams to community members.

    The department also celebrated the completion of Hanna Community Center with a ribbon cutting and activities for community members. This is a testament to our investment in rural communities.

    The Nation is also investing in the modernizing the technical infrastructure to stay up with the times. We have started implementation of the Nation’s infrastructure replacement with Cox Communications.

    This network build will also provide service to our local casinos and independent agencies in the area. The initial savings of $13,000 per month on all network circuits with cox pricing will be re-invested into the network, which will pay for the redundancy required.

    Another investment for the Nation is a tribal utility authority. The department drafted chartering documents to establish a tribal utility authority. Commerce also evaluated opportunities for broadband development for tribal options in February 2020.

    The Mvskoke Loan Fund now has a portfolio greater than $1.4 million and the internal revenue service awarded the fund a tax counseling grant this quarter. The fund will provide seven community-based tax preparation events at MCN community centers and facilities for those 60 and over.

    To continue our mission of enhancing the overall quality of life of the Muscogee people, the Nation is committed to providing quality housing programs and services to meet a variety of needs.

    The department of housing is currently in the process of developing the 36-acre tract that will service our elder community and provide 72 cottage style units where elder citizens can enjoy a community that is based on sustainability, healthy living and culture. The construction is projected to begin this summer.

    The Indian Community Development Block Grant was awarded to the department of housing and will enable renovations to be done to the exterior of 35 of the Eufaula low rent site units with more units to be added at a later date with an anticipated completion June 2021.

    Construction wrapped up on 12 new homes in Morris, Okmulgee, and Holdenville this month and will be home to 12 families from the waiting list. Infrastructure has begun on an 8-acre tract in northern Okmulgee County that will be the site of 8 new homes with an anticipated completion this fall. A 12-acre site has been purchased in the Henryetta area and is currently in the planning stages to construct even more homes.

    I ask all veterans to please stand and be recognized. Thank you for your service. Since
    September 2004, 865 initial/new claims for service compensation opened with the US Department of Veteran Affairs for Muscogee veterans and their surviving spouses.

    From January 2005 through December 2019, total compensation paid directly to Muscogee veterans was $97.5 million. This amount will exceed $100 million in 2021. In calendar year 2020, total compensation to Muscogee veterans is estimated to be nearly $10 million.

    The average age of the Muscogee veteran is 70. Not only are they veterans, they are elders. We will continue to support them and ensure their needs are met.

    Now, for some information from law enforcement. The Lighthorse administration continues to grow and prosper. A tribal resource grant program for equipment and training was awarded to purchase 20 police units. The department’s 49 active patrol officers have logged 476 training hours from law enforcement sponsored programs.

    The motor vehicle department is on track to have the highest revenue producing year since the inception of department. Thus far, the department is $30,000 ahead of the previous year.
    The annual tax collections over $2.5 million for FY19. Have processed over 200 more requests for registration as compared to the same time period as last year.

    Our culture is our identity and the keeping of our traditions. This administration values our cultural assets. Efforts to incorporate the language have increased as we have been raising awareness of the loss of our language.

    The Mvskoke and Euchee Language Programs have marketed the available resources and have an ongoing endeavor to build upon our current resources. The Cultural Center and Archives Department continues to collaborate with other organizations and participate in outreach and cultural demonstrations to revitalize and share our heritage.

    With that let’s talk about sovereignty.
    We must continue to strengthen our sovereignty.
    The tribal nations, the state of Oklahoma, and the United States government have had a long history of broken promises and we are not dwelling on it.

    We cannot change history, but by working together we can build a brighter future.

    We will continue to work with the state of Oklahoma, but
    The Muscogee (Creek) Nation will not be controlled or intimidated by Oklahoma’s inability to practice sound fiscal management or dishonest attempts to rectify this failure by interrupting our lawful government activities.

    The state must provide a fair and equitable partnership and mutual trust with the tribal nations that have provided so much to Oklahoma and its citizens.
    Along with other tribes, we stand firm in our position on the gaming compacts.

    We have worked with our community partners with an impact for the state. Would you like to hear how we helped? Since 2010, Muscogee (Creek) Nation has donated 75 vehicles with a value of $950k. 50 computers were donated to local schools for a savings of $60k along with $17k of surplused items.

    Each citizen is a shareholder in our Nation.
    Our commitment to financial stability, accountability, and transparency will continue to move our nation forward.However, we cannot rest on our accomplishments.
    We must continue to expand as we are constantly striving to improve current programs and provide quality services to over 89,000 citizens.

    We have made great progress, but there will be many challenges that we will encounter in the days ahead. I know this is a time of great challenges, but I also know it’s a time of great opportunity.

    We can meet these challenges with progressive solutions that will be the product of our collaborative efforts. The positive results will improve the lives of our tribal citizens and contribute to the success of the Nation.

    Progress should be measured by the success of our people and opportunities for a brighter future for and generations to come.

    As we move into the year 2020, I will bring a 20/20 vision that will clearly focus on the people and what is best for our nation.

    My wish for this administration is to be recognized as one that brought stability and accountability, prosperity and growth, and opportunities for a better quality of life for our citizens.

    I look forward to working with each of you to make this state of our nation as strong as ever and we strengthen our sovereign for a prosperous future.


  • FY2020 1st Quarterly Report

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  • FY 19 4th Quarter Report

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  • Muscogee (Creek) Nation Principal Chief James Floyd Delivers State of the Nation Address


    Feb. 1, 2019



    Muscogee (Creek) Nation Principal Chief James Floyd Delivers State of the Nation Address

    OKMULGEE, Okla. – Muscogee (Creek) Nation Principal Chief James R. Floyd delivered the State of the Nation Address during the National Council Quarterly Session Jan. 26, 2019.

    Principal Chief Floyd began the address by noting the 40th anniversary of the ratification of the MCN constitution, which reaffirmed the Nation’s sovereignty.

    Taking it back to the start of his career with the Nation in 1978 with less than 100 employees, Principal Chief Floyd put today’s numbers in perspective by reporting the Nation now employs more than 5,000 and has a payroll that exceeds $169 million.

    He also disclosed on the Nation’s financial security by stating the Permanent Fund has grown to more than $372 million since it was created.

    “As your Principal Chief, I repeat my promise to you to not borrow or decrease our base, but to increase it and to increase the interest for our vital needs,” Principal Chief Floyd said. “We must keep this foundation in place for a strong future for our Nation.”

    Progress in healthcare was acknowledged with acclaim to the opening of the Creek Nation Community Hospital in Okemah, Okla., and the Eufaula Indian Health Center, a joint-venture development with Indian Health Service.

    Principal Chief Floyd conveyed in his address the difficult decision making that took place when he came into office, as it relates to refining the financial and operational deficit in the Nation’s healthcare system.

    “… I am glad to report that our healthcare system is financially sound,” Principal Chief Floyd said. “We can now place a greater focus on programs that will improve the overall health in our communities. We had to make tough decisions to get there but now it is rewarding to know we did what was right to serve our people and to protect our sovereignty; the greatest promise I can make to you.”

    The address also celebrated the passage of the Stigler Act Amendments of 2018, as Principal Chief Floyd shared what a humbling opportunity it was to present the U.S. Senate with testimony for the act, as the Nation was the only tribe to testify on the legislation.

    In respect to the Nation’s sovereign rights, he continued the address by praising the diligent work of tribal entities that lead to the MCN District Court prosecution of the first non-Native domestic violence offender under the Violence Against Women Act implementations.

    “I want everyone, citizen and non-citizen alike, to know we are serious about combating domestic violence and will take action to the fullest extent of the law to eliminate it,” Principal Chief Floyd stated.

    He also acknowledged the Office of Attorney’s General staff for their dedicated work in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Carpenter v. Murphy as it relates to criminal prosecution within the Nation’s jurisdictional boundaries.

    Principal Chief Floyd expressed his gratification for the Muscogee (Creek) veterans and all veterans for their service to our country. He then shared the story of Vietnam veteran John Sloan’s trip to France as he attended the Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the End of World War I that took place Nov. 11, 2018.

    Employee and Muscogee (Creek) Nation citizen Darren DeLaune was recognized by Principal Chief James R. Floyd Jan. 26 during the State of the Nation address on the MCN Tribal Complex in Okmulgee, Okla.

    Sloan was chosen among 30 citizens that were considered to represent the Nation and visit the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery in Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France, where the graves of four citizens who were killed in action during WWI are located.

    Sloan was able to sprinkle Oklahoma soil on each of the four citizens’ graves and leave them with the Nation’s flag.

    Looking at the year ahead, Principal Chief Floyd announced the development of the Master Site Plan, which will guild the Nation’s expansion in Okmulgee, Okla., over the next 20 years. The plan includes securing funding that will not draw from the Permanent Fund or require high-interest loans.

    He said he is hopeful the Nation will break ground on the first buildings in 2020, which include a Museum and Cultural Center on the Okmulgee Country Club property, as well as new venues at the Claude Cox Omniplex.

    In closing, Principal Chief Floyd expressed his commitment to the continued improvements to the Nation and the betterment of the citizens.

    “Many of you know that we started with few resources but we have always had our greatest resource, our people,” Principal Chief Floyd said. “It is your strength that flows through us and your struggles to overcome that ensure us today. It is our people that have always kept us moving forward.”




    State of the Nation Address PDF

    FY19 First Quarter Report

  • FY 2018 3rd Quarter Report

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  • State of the Nation Address 2018


    Second Chief Louis Hicks, National Council Speaker Lucian Tiger III, Second Speaker David Hill, National Council Members, Supreme Court and District Court Judges, religious and traditional church leaders, mekkos, community and government leaders, we welcome you.

    I recognize our Royalty, Miss Muscogee Nation Princess Amberly Proctor and Junior Miss Iesha Phillips.

    We recognize and honor our warriors, the men and women who have served and those in uniform now serving our country. I am grateful for the enduring strength and influence of our elder citizens for sustaining the spirit of our Nation and keeping our traditions alive.

    We pray for their health and safety. We also grieve for those we have lost and recognize the lasting contributions they have made for our Nation.

    I welcome our fellow Muscogee citizens within and outside our boundaries, those in attendance as well as those viewing online.

    In his 1962 State of the Union address, President John F. Kennedy said that “the Constitution makes us not rivals for power but partners for progress…It is my task, ” he said, “to report the State of the Union – to improve it is the task of us all.”

    As your Principal Chief, it is my task to deliver the State of the Nation Address of our Muscogee (Creek) Nation.

    In the first two years of our administration, our dedicated cabinet members and employees have been willing to be our “partners for progress” as we took on the task to make changes in our policies, procedures and expectations to better serve our citizens. They have been up to the task of doing the hard work, making the hard choices, putting in extra effort, and the results are great.

    Together we can say with renewed confidence that the State of our Nation is very strong, and that we have put into place the plans to help it continue to grow even stronger.

    I have the task to keep my campaign promises to you. As you may remember, one of the themes that this administration adopted is “It’s all about the people.”

    I could easily quote our progress in numbers and figures, as I do each quarter in a published report to our National Council; however, since “it’s about our people” I will highlight some of the accomplishments of our citizens with the support of our administration:

    I want to tell you about a single mother of four who worked in our Tribal Roads Crew as a flagger. She started her job, supported by the Employment and Training Program, just to make ends meet. But Cara wanted something more, so she enrolled in truck driving school, which was paid for by Education and Training, while she continued to work.

    She graduated at the top of her class. Now, Cara works full time for our Nation, operating a dump truck, the only female in a male-dominated field and she’s loves it!

     I want to thank our Education and Training staff, and the Roads and Transportation Department, for being great partners to Cara’s progress.

     Many of you are familiar with the Eufaula Dormitory. It has been around since 1847. Children in grades one through 12 live there during the week and attend Eufaula Public Schools, with structure and academic support from staff at the Dorm. Last year 100 percent of our seniors graduated. The latest graduating class included three best friends: Jack Eslick, Cordell Burris and Abraham Williams.

    Jack was a foster child, a dorm student since second grade.

    Abraham was a dorm student since sixth grade and Cordell since the seventh grade.

    All three became good friends through the years, but somewhere along the way Cordell began to struggle. He lagged behind in credits and became an “at risk” student that meant graduation with his friends would be nearly impossible.

    Through much guidance from his dorm counselors and his buddies, Cordell enrolled in the Eufaula Alternative Education Program. Last May, all three graduated together and on time.

    Jack and Cordell were awarded more than $80,000 from the Muscogee (Creek) Scholarship Foundation Program and other public and private scholarships. I mention the amount because it is not every day a student is awarded that much!

    Today, Jack, who was Eufaula’s Senior Class President, is enrolled at OSU-IT, Abraham is at Haskell Indian Nations University, and Cordell is still exploring his options.

    The past two years brought focus and improvements to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Department of Health and the healthcare budget. I am pleased to say we were able to restructure the Eufaula Clinic and the Creek Nation Community Hospital loan at a lower interest rate while dropping the balloon payment.

    We have paid $20 million of that by operating our facilities more efficiently. We have drastically reduced the clinic no-show cancellations from over 4,100 per month to less than half at 1,900 per month by calling patients ahead of time, therefore increasing our capacity by more than 24,000 visits per year.

    We have also increased our third-party resources through improved enrollment and identification of private insurance.

    Our facilities have also implemented electronic medical records and an updated phone system that allows all locations to communicate using a four-digit extension.

    By renegotiating the Health Department phone costs, we were able to cover the costs of the new phone system while reducing our monthly phone bill by $50,000 per month.

    We are proud of the innovative work of these “partners in our progress,” some who have dedicated many years to serving our citizens.

    Muscogee citizens Brenda Lowe, 36 years, Shirley Been 32 years, Shelly Hagy, 33 years. Now they can finish their careers working in the new 55-million dollar facility in Okemah that opened last month.

    Many of our Muscogee (Creek) citizens do not have health insurance; such is the case of Don Tiger.

    He had been experiencing serious healthcare issues and was not completely sure if he had health insurance or benefits. A Department of Health employee, Policy Analyst Amy Eden worked with Don.

    With his approval, she researched his healthcare coverage. She was able to verify that he was enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid. Ms. Eden also ordered a new Medicare card for Mr. Tiger and provided him with a list of his healthcare benefits. Amy is another Muscogee (Creek) employee who was up to the task.

    The greatest thing about this story is we have living proof that Don is alive and well.


    That video was from our Annual Elders Christmas Party, which more than 300 elders attended. It has been our most popular post on Facebook with almost 700 ‘likes’, 400 shares, dozens of comments, and nearly 60,000 views of the video.

    Just a lot of fun put together by our Senior Services Program, Muscogee Creek Nation Youth Council and so many more.

    It is great to see our elders enjoying life, being healthy and happy. They are our link to our past and our partners as we progress.

    Who would have thought Mr. Tiger would be out there dancing? Not long ago, he was suffering from congestive heart failure and could not walk. He now spends his time singing Creek hymns every Thursday night and fiddle dancing when possible. With much prayer and 100-percent help from contract health, Don is worry-free.

    Our traditions, culture and language are everything to us. If we lose them, we lose our identity.

    This past year we added two new language teachers. That sounds like a small number, but the results have been significant. Today, they are seen in the classroom of our Head Start Programs, teaching the Muscogee language to young ones as well as the older generation.

    In October, the Greater Tulsa Area Indian Affairs Commission awarded the Perry Aunko Indigenous Language Preservation Award to the Muscogee Language program.

    Another achievement is our Historic Council House. I can report that its restoration is complete. From the time the first stone was laid in 1868, the Council House was designed and intended to be a sacred meeting place for our people.

    The Council House was taken from our Nation at Oklahoma statehood and served many functions before the Nation repurchased it.  It was in disrepair and we had no plan to restore it.

    The road to restoration was not easy. The cost of the restoration exceeded the National Council’s appropriation. Instead of returning to Council for more funds, we used innovative ways to make up the difference.

    Our partner, Onefire Holding Company, secured more than $1.5 million in historic tax credits for the project and finished the project on time and on budget.

    We utilized a Muscogee (Creek) Nation-owned company, Council Oak Design Engineering & Construction (CODEC), who selected Native vendors to bring back this important place to our people. The focal point of downtown Okmulgee, our beloved Council House, was built, and again rebuilt, by our people.

    Now, the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Cultural Center and Archive Department will complete the interior and prepare to welcome you.

    This year, we will be able to hold meetings at the Council House and in the House of Warriors. We will also live stream current day National Council meetings, so that the public can attend and see our government in action.

    I highlighted some successes in the first two years of our administration. To complete our promises to you, we must do more. We must elevate the Nation even higher.

    In the National Council’s agenda this morning is legislation of great importance to our future. We have developed and submitted for their consideration a Master Plan to guide decisions for future growth in economic development and government, for development of venues to showcase our culture and for recreation.

    The Master Plan is a transformation of the Nation’s land and its properties within the Okmulgee area for both long and short-term projects.

    The Master Plan redesigns the use of our industrial site property for immediate economic development. It provides for additions to the Omniplex, including an indoor event center.

    It includes a 40-acre parcel of land for cemeteries for our veterans and citizens. The Department of Veterans Affairs has approved a grant for operational funds for the veterans’ cemetery. We will soon begin the design of the citizens’ cemetery, which will meet our burial needs for the next 100 years.

    We recognize our responsibility to guide the future of our Nation by being deliberate in our planning to increase our business capability, preserve our traditions and culture, while providing an enhanced environment for our Festival and year-round use of the Omniplex grounds. With input from hundreds of people, we believe we have gained vital insight and direction to become more successful.

    Our task, going forward, is to continue to work on your behalf. We look forward to continued partnership with the National Council. We are grateful for their support of this Administration. We recognize in governing, we may not always agree, but we will always be respectful of each branch of our government and their roles.

    Future progress will be filled with hard work. As President Kennedy said, “to improve it, is the task of us all.”

    Our ancestors continually rose to the tasks they faced. Wars, loss of our homeland, forced removal, broken treaties—their lives were filled with challenges, but they always found a way to succeed when faced with constant change.

    They were resilient because they held onto their common purpose and were able to accomplish the tasks required of them. They would expect the same of us.

    I look forward to the New Year with great optimism, to next January when I again will have the most pleasant task: to report on our continued successes.

    May the Creator continue to bless our country, our state, our Great Muscogee Nation, and all Muscogee citizens.

  • FY 2017 3rd Quarter Report

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  • 2017 State of the Nation Address

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    Muscogee (Creek) Nation Principal Chief James R. Floyd delivered the State of Nation address Jan. 28 at the Quarterly MCN National Council Session at the Mound Building on the MCN Tribal Complex in Okmulgee.