The Muscogee Nation

Category: News Release

  • New Creek Nation Community Hospital on Schedule for Completion


    September, 16, 2016

    New Creek Nation Community Hospital on Schedule for Completion

    Okemah, Okla. – The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Department of Health’s replacement facility for the Creek Nation Community Hospital (CNCH) and the Okemah Indian Health Clinic is currently on schedule to be completed by the end of 2016.  The project design was completed by 1Architect and construction began by Redstone/Manhattan in February of 2015.

    The newly constructed CNCH will include a 14 bed emergency department, two operating rooms, 24 outpatient clinic exam rooms, pharmacy services with drive-thru, 25 inpatient beds, 24-hour ambulance service consisting of two paramedic level units on duty 24/7, behavioral health, optometry, and full radiology and laboratory services.  There is additional space available to add audiology services in the main building, as future growth demands this service. The new facility will also consist of a Wellness Center, which will house the Diabetes Program and physical therapy.  All current services with the exception of dental will be relocated to the new facility.  The dental department will remain in their current facility.

    The present CNCH was built in 1948 as the Hill Burton community hospital, consisting of 21,649 square feet.  Over the years, the Department of Health converted the hospital space into its present use as a Critical Access Hospital housing 25 inpatient beds, an emergency room, outpatient surgery, along with an ambulatory care clinic which includes primary medical care with pharmacy, optometry, laboratory and other ancillary support services.  Many additions to the current property have occurred resulting in a blend of structures, including mobile and traditional buildings added to the site to meet the various needs of the patients served; however, some services such as behavioral health are still located off-site in other spaces in the Okemah community.

    At 118,075 square feet, the newly constructed CNCH will deliver high quality health services in a modern setting, while incorporating Mvskoke cultural design features.  The design will maximize its surroundings to the benefit of all patients and staff.  The facility will support innovation and implementation of the ever-changing healthcare environment, such as technology.

    The new facility will be staffed with 129 full-time employees and 24 part-time employees.  Availability of services at the new facility will remain the same as the current facility.  The hospital emergency room, inpatient units and EMS are available for public service.

  • The Christian Motorcyclist Association Makes Donation to Children and Family Services


    August, 30, 2016

    The Christian Motorcyclist Association Makes Donation to Children and Family Services

    OKMULGEE, Okla. – The Christian Motorcycle Association Okmulgee Chapter Youth Movement donated birthday gifts for all kids in custody of Children and Family Services. This youth motorcycle chapter refers to themselves as the “Spark Plugs,” and they chose this project for their yearly project. All members of this group are youth ages 12-18. Some members of this association had been foster children themselves, so they know the importance of this type of kind gesture.

    The Spark Plugs donation was substantial donation of hair care products, stuffed animals, toys for all ages, and lots of books. So many items were donated that Holly Dunn an employee of Children and Family Services stated that,” we will have enough to save for Christmas gifts for children in custody this year as well.”  Holly went on to say in the interview that, “ it means so much that we have partners in the community that care as much about children in custody as we do here at Children and Family Services. “ Here at the Muscogee (Creek) Nation there is always an ever-growing need for foster homes and adoptive placement homes, so to see this recognition from an association of the community gives us hope in our adoptive services venture. If you are interested in joining the Christian Motorcyclist Association or want any more information on the group please call 918-753-4575. Also, if you are interested in becoming a foster home or curious about adoption please call 918-732-7869


    Kacie Ryal

    918-732-7621 or

  • The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Completes the Eufaula Walking Trail


    August, 29, 2016

    The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Completes the Eufaula Walking Trail

    Eufaula, Okla. – The Muscogee Creek Nation (MCN) Diabetes Program and the Muscogee Creek Nation Transportation Department are pleased to announce the completion of the Eufaula Walking Trail.

    In 2006, the Muscogee Creek Nation Diabetes Program developed and implemented the Nene Hvkoce tribal walking program. It was funded solely by the Tribe. The purpose of the walking program is to improve health and reduce the risk of disease by providing opportunities and encouragement for American Indians living in Muscogee (Creek) Nation to walk regularly over a long period of time, and to increase community support of healthy lifestyles.

    A competition among communities for a half mile walking track was incorporated into the program to help promote community support for health. The MCN Diabetes Program partnered with the MCN Transportation Department to award the communities with highest average participation with a half mile walking track to be placed in their community.

    In 2009-2010, the Eufaula walking program community won the contest with 80 participants reaching the program’s Level of Achievement.  The group, with cooperation from the city of Eufaula, chose to place their trail along Lakeshore Drive, beginning at the pavilion near the intersection of McKinley Avenue and winding along the cove of Lake Eufaula to the end of the trail near the soccer fields at the intersection of Elm Avenue.

    The MCN Transportation Department began designing the Eufaula Walking Trail in November 2013.  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized construction of the trail in September 2015.  The MCN Transportation Department awarded the contract for construction of the Eufaula Walking Trail to B & S Construction and Trucking Company.  Work began on July 5, 2016, and was completed on August 19, 2016.

    Today participants and all members of the community are able to enjoy the trail. This trail will afford citizens the ability to safely engage in healthy activities in a safe environment with a designated path.

    CONTACT: Geebon Gouge (918)732-7617

  • Muscogee (Creek) Nation Trolley Changing Schedule

    OKMULGEE, Okla. – The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Transit Authority would like to announce that the trolley, which operates a fixed route schedule, will soon be switching to an 8am – 5pm schedule Monday through Friday beginning on Tuesday, September 6. Due to limited ridership during the early morning hours we feel that the citizens of Okmulgee would be better served switching to routes that operate during normal business hours. The MCN Trolley has been operating as a free service within the city of Okmulgee since last year and will continue to be offered as a free service. Trolley stops have been targeted specifically to get riders to various places around town including local businesses, schools, and to city and tribal services. There will also be changes to some of the stops to better accommodate travelers and eliminate hazardous areas. A revised trolley schedule will soon be available at the MCN Transit Authority located at 2700 Alligator Trail, Okmulgee, OK or on the Muscogee (Creek) Nation website Transportation page at for more information feel free to contact Transit Dispatch locally at (918)732-7909.

  • Muscogee (Creek) Nation Youth Council awarded Youth Council of the Year

    For Immediate Release


    July 27, 2016



    Muscogee (Creek) Nation Youth Council awarded Youth Council of the Year



    The United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc. (Unity), which is an organization dedicated to augmenting social and mental development to contribute to a stronger Indian Country, named the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Youth Council as Youth Council of the Year July 25 during the 2016 National Unity Conference 40th Anniversary Gala held in Oklahoma City, Okla.


    The MCN Youth Council was established in March 2015 and since that time has hosted different community and awareness events.


    Muscogee (Creek) Nation Youth Services Program Director Nancy Mason said, “We started about March of last year, of 2015 planning our youth council, bringing young people together and in just that short time they did service learning projects. They developed their youth council, their bylaws, elected officers and they haven’t stopped since that time.”


    One of the projects planned and completed by the Youth Council was the Mvskoke March, a walk from Okmulgee to Oklahoma City to bring awareness to teen dating violence.


    Youth Council member Tafv Sanders said the Youth Council means a lot to him.


    “They are like my second family,” Sanders said.


    MCN Youth Council Sergeant at Arms Tyler Hill felt delighted about the award.


    “It feels exciting, actually first year coming to Unity as a group of youth council and actually winning as a unit,” Hill said.



    Geebon Gouge


  • The Mvskoke March 2016


    July 1, 2016


    The Mvskoke March 2016


    Okmulgee, Okla.-The Muscogee (Creek) Nation is pleased to announce the Mvskoke March 2016.  The Mvskoke March is a youth led initiative focused on bringing awareness to Teen Dating Violence.  The Mvskoke March will be held July 18-21, 2016.  The event will kick off at 12:00 pm at the historic Muscogee (Creek) Nation Council House on July 18th, 2016 and end 110 miles later at the Oklahoma State Capitol at 12:00 pm where a Teen Dating Violence awareness rally will be held. According to Love is Respect:

    • Nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year.
    • One in three adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner, a figure that far exceeds rates of other types of youth violence.
    • One in 10 high school students has been purposefully hit, slapped or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend.

    Additionally, the walkers will be honoring the 40th Anniversary of the United National Indian and Tribal Youth (UNITY) organization.   UNITY is a national network organization promoting personal development, citizenship, and leadership among Native American youth. It was created in Oklahoma by J.R. Cook who is a member of the Cherokee Nation. UNITY is holding their annual conference in Oklahoma City from July 22-26th. Many of the walk participants are members of the Mvskoke Nation Youth Council (MNYC) who will be travelling to the UNITY Conference. The MNYC is a UNITY affiliate, and is composed of Mvskoke youth ages 12-24.  The mission of the MNYC is to empower Mvskoke youth by listening and taking action, enhance our voice by promoting positive changes and informed decisions, and affect all generations and sustain the Mvskoke way of life.


    The walk is being coordinated by Jay Fife who is the 2nd Speaker of the MNYC. Jay had an opportunity to participate in the Longest Walk 5, which is a Native American rescue mission to heal America from the effects of drugs, violence, suicide, self-harm, and harm to the Earth. Afterwards, Jay was inspired to organize the Mvskoke March. Jay commented “We will call attention and seek guidance on domestic violence and teen dating violence which is causing destruction within The Muscogee (Creek) Nation, and as well as the state of Oklahoma.”


    The walkers will travel through the towns of: Okmulgee, Okemah, Castle, Boley, Paden, Prague, Meeker, Harrah, Choctaw, and finally enter the OKC Metro Area. They will be stopping and camping at three of these destinations along the way. For more information or to register for the walk you can go to or the Mvskoke March 2016 Facebook page. Donations of food, water, and other supplies are being accepted. If you are interested in donating, contact the Mvskoke Nation Youth Services program at (918) 549-2557.


  • Muscogee (Creek) Nation Announces Living Legends Honorees

    Muscogee (Creek) Nation Announces Living Legends Honorees
    News Release

    OKMULGEE – The last 4 years the Muscogee (Creek) Nation has held a Hall of Fame Gala, “Hall of Fame Inductees” were acknowledged for their accomplishments that brought recognition to the tribe. This year the Muscogee (Creek) Nation is proud to announce the returning of the “Living Legends” Ceremony, which was created by Principal Chief A.D. Ellis during the 2005 Festival. The Living Legends Ceremony honors Muscogee (Creek) citizens who have made significant contributions to the tribe.

    This year the “Living Legends” committee has selected Perry Anderson, Lillian Thomas, Wotko Long, and Josephine Wildcat Bigler. The qualifications to be selected as a “Living Legend” are:

    • Must be an enrolled Muscogee (Creek) Citizen
    • Must be over 55 years of age, and
    • Must have brought recognition to and/or made outstanding contributions to the quality of life and development of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation on a local, national, or international level. All industries considered including, but not limited to: ceremonial/religious leaders, arts, public affairs, business/professional, education, voluntary service.

    The four honorees will be recognized in a ceremony on Thursday, June 23, at 5:00PM in the Mvskoke Dome located on the campus of the Claude Cox Omniplex. Dinner will be served immediately following the ceremony.

    2005 – Hepsey (Randall) Gilroy, Rev. Harry Long, R. Perry Beaver, Amos McNac
    2006 – Bob Arrington, Helen Coon, Phillip Coon, Edwin Moore
    2007 – Lizzie Bruner, Jimmy Anderson
    2008 – Wilbur Gouge, Johnnie Brasuell
    2009 – Dr. James King, Michael Berryhill
    2010 – Patrick Moore, Dr. Pete Cosar
    2011- Jimmy Alexander, Monte Deer

    2012 Joy Harjo, Simon Harry, Elsie Mae Martin, Allie P. Reynolds
    2013 Dr. Phyllis Fife, Jack Jacobs, George Thompson
    2014 Peggy Berryhill, Eli Grayson, William Sampson
    2015 Chebon Dacon, Sarah Deer, Jerome Tiger

    Living Legends Awards to take place June 23 @ 5:00 pm at the Claude Cox Omniplex in Okmulgee, OK.

  • Muscogee (Creek) Nation Holds ribbon Cutting for Splash Pad



    Muscogee (Creek) Nation Holds ribbon Cutting for Splash Pad

    OKMULGEE, Okla. — On Tuesday, May 10th, 2016 at 10 AM, the Muscogee
    (Creek) Nation Tourism & Recreation Department held a ribbon cutting ceremony
    for the new splash pad located in the Claude Cox Omniplex.
    The splash pad was initiated to help bring another place for our children to have
    a safe cool place to enjoy the summer heat. The Splash Pad is open 7 days a
    week from 8AM-8PM, and is also free & open to the public.