The Muscogee Nation

A Word from Chief & Second Chief: Jan. 28

January 28, 2020

Second Chief Del Beaver
Principal Chief David W. Hill

Dear Muscogee (Creek) citizens and employees,

We want to continue providing periodic updates on our activities and progress during the transition and report activities of the Executive Office. MVTO to Speaker Hicks and the National Council for the time and positive response to the State of the Nation address on Saturday. It’s this kind of mutual respect and support that will provide positive collaboration to better serve our Nation and citizens as we move forward in 2020.

There were several meetings this week that addressed areas of need for our Nation and citizens. We met with the Oklahoma Policy Institute to review and discuss issues affecting our programs and services. The OPI is an independent public policy research organization focused on advancing equitable and fiscally responsible policies for all Oklahomans through research, analysis, and advocacy. Many of the issues on the forefront affect the lives of our tribal citizens in areas of health, education, economic opportunity and justice reform.

We met with Indian educators and citizens on issues regarding Tulsa Public Schools and will continue to monitor the situation and discuss ways to support our Native American students and educators attending and employed with TPS.

A meeting was also held with Admiral Watts of the Indian Health Service (IHS) to discuss the Nation’s needs, concerns, and future partnerships.

A review of the Emergency Services and Risk Management programs was conducted to analyze needs and modify policies and procedures to ensure the safety of our employees, citizens and property is the best it can be.

A second meeting was held with the Mvskoke Language program to continue efforts on language revitalization and program development. Processes are being developed to receives ideas and recommendations from employees and citizens on the most effective way to address our language needs.

The evaluation and comprehensive analysis of departments and programs with Cabinet Secretaries was completed. We appreciate the support and assistance from the acting cabinet members and their staff. There are many positive activities in the Nation and we look forward to improving and expanding services to our clients and citizens. This was an extensive endeavor, however the information received during the evaluations will be vital in developing a framework for programs that provide opportunity and enhance the quality of life for all Muscogee citizens.

We attended the Okfuskee Indian Community meeting and dinner last week. The community members presented both of us with beautiful handmade quilts. We are grateful of their hospitality and the support for the citizens they represent and serve. It is a pleasure to visit all of our communities and hear first-hand the needs and concerns of our citizens.
